英國品牌 D.G. Wander 邁向亞洲 第一站進軍台灣

英國品牌 D.G. Wander 邁向亞洲 第一站進軍台灣

英國品牌D.G. Wander邁向亞洲 第一站進軍台灣

British brand D.G. Wander entering Asian markets.

Taiwan, which was chosen to be the first stop.

藝術家D.G. Lampaulus所成立的藝文品牌:源自於英國的D.G. Wander,於今年選定台灣作為進軍亞洲市場的第一站。長期於各國之間旅居,受到多元文化的浸染,D.G. Lampaulus將人生經驗中的各種體悟,在D.G. Wander中以充滿奇想的方式呈現,並透過藝文創作、實體的咖啡甜品店,體現出他多面向的思維體系。未來也將目標瞄準時尚產業,推出屬於D.G. Wander自我風格的流行服飾。

The brand established by artist D.G. Lampaulus, named D.G. Wander, originated in the United Kingdom. He chose Taiwan as the first stop to enter the Asian market this year. Having lived in various countries for a long time, D.G. Lampaulus has been immersed in multiculturalism. He presents plenty of insights into life experiences in a whimsical way in the brand. His diversity-oriented thinking system has shown through artistic creations, bricks and mortar cafés and dessert shops. In the future, the brand will also target the fashion industry and launch clothing belonging to the own style of D.G. Wander.

藝術家D.G. Lampaulus在過往的旅途中,深受世界各地不同文化的影響,寬闊的視野也使他獲得更多精神上的體悟。過去兩年,Covid-19疫情使得全世界都停了下來,但也是藝術家D.G. Lampaulus重新調整步伐、沉澱自我的新契機。於是他以藝術創作捕捉難以忘懷的片刻,融合東西方的文化精髓,以淺顯易懂的文學與圖畫:《Trinity & Lucifer》,來道出世界的演進過程,以及其中所蘊含的至簡大道。藉由深沉的探索,提出對於生命意義的省思與人文關懷。

Artist D.G. Lampaulus has been deeply influenced by different cultures around the world in his past journeys, and his broad vision has also enabled him to gain more spiritual insights. In the past two years, the Covid-19 epidemic has brought the whole world to a standstill, but it is also a new opportunity for him to readjust his pace and precipitate himself. So, he captures unforgettable moments with his artistic creations, integrates the essence of Eastern and Western cultures, and uses easy-to-understand literature and pictures to present ''Trinity & Lucifer'' to the public. He illustrates the evolution of the world and the simplicity it contains in the book. Through deep exploration, reflection, and humanistic care for the meaning of life are put forward.

然而,D.G. Lampaulus的規劃不止於此,他希望藉由品牌的建立,讓更多大眾體會日常生活中的美好。他不但持續創作藝文作品,更在英國成立個人品牌 ── D.G. Wander,並於2022年選擇台灣作為進軍亞洲市場的第一站,期待各項服務與商品能為眾多喜愛藝文的朋友們,帶來意想不到的驚喜與趣味。不但有實體的咖啡廳D.G. Wander Cafe & Club,以及手工甜品店D.G. Wander Dessert,未來也將進軍時尚產業,推出具有個人風格的服飾,為旗下的事業體寫下新的一頁。

In addition, his plans do not stop here. He expects that more people can experience the beauty of daily life through the establishment of the brand. He not only continued to create artistic works but also build his personal brand D.G. Wander in the UK. This year, he chose Taiwan as his first stop to enter the Asian market. He believes that the various services and products will bring unexpected surprises and joy to people who love art and literature. Not only the bricks and mortar coffee shop named D.G. Wander Cafe & Club and the artisan dessert shop D.G. Wander Dessert but the brand will also enter the fashion industry in the future, launching clothing with personal style, and writing a new page for its business blueprint.

對於受到兩年Covid-19疫情影響的全世界來說,英國品牌D.G. Wander帶來的觀點別具意義。在歷經不斷重複的封城與解禁,令人感受到世界的巨變與無常。作為撫慰心靈的媒介,藝術與文化在此時此刻尤其重要:她可以是一本帶給你靈感與啟發的圖文書、一處療癒人心的展覽場所,也可以是一份讓心靜下來好好品嚐的下午茶。D.G. Wander想傳達的是,在我們的生活中,藝術與文化隨處可在,有待你用獨具慧眼的心去發現她。

For a world reeling from two years of Covid-19, British brand D.G. Wander's point of view is unique. After the repeated closure and lifting of the ban, people can easily feel the enormous changes and impermanence of the world. As a medium to soothe the soul, art and culture are especially important at this moment. It can be a picture book that brings you inspiration, an exhibition place that heals the heart, or a place to calm down and enjoy an afternoon tea. What D.G. Wander would like to demonstrate to the public is that art and culture are everywhere in our lives, waiting for you to discover with a discerning heart.

D.G. Lampaulus 也盡己之力,以藝術發揮人道的精神,捐贈版畫給英國慈善機構British Heart Foundation,希望能透過身體力行實現他的藝術理念:Make Happiness Happen,讓幸福和愛傳遞到各個角落。在後疫情時代,揮別過去的陰霾,D.G. Wander期待讓藝文更親近大眾,只需一杯咖啡,一盤甜點,每個人都能享受自在美好的生活,體驗日常中單純的幸福時刻。

D.G. Lampaulus also did his best to unleash the spirit of humanity through art. He donated prints to the British Heart Foundation, a British charity, hoping to realize his artistic concept: Make Happiness Happen, let blessed and love spread to every corner of the world. Saying goodbye to the haze of the past in the post-pandemic era, D.G. Wander looks forward to making art and literature closer to the public, just a cup of coffee and a dessert, so that everyone can enjoy a comfortable and beautiful life and experience the simple moments of happiness in daily life.