刊載於美國《NBC – 頻道5 WRAL》,2021/10/11

刊載於美國《NBC – 頻道5 WRAL》,2021/10/11

從今年秋天到 2021 年底的英國,D.G. Lampaulus將成為傳遞希望和歡樂的使者

D.G. Lampaulus, a messenger of hope and joy gracing UK from this Autumn till the end of 2021


2021/10/11,刊載於美國《NBC – 頻道5 WRAL》(WRAL - NBC News Channel 5)


關於《NBC – 頻道5 WRAL》:
1953年10月17日,國會廣播公司在北卡羅來納州的羅利市經營電視台,並正式申請執照。WRAL-TV 於 1956 年 12 月 15 日作為 NBC 的附屬機構播出,但在 1962 年與嶄露頭角的 ABC 網路公司簽約,並成為 CBS 電視網絡的附屬機構。 WRAL 與 CBS 合作了 30 年,但在 2016 年 2 月 29 日, TV5 再次隸屬於 NBC 電視網絡。

About WRAL - NBC News Channel 5:
On October 17, 1953, Capitol Broadcasting Company formally applied for a license to operate a television station in Raleigh, North Carolina. WRAL-TV went on the air December 15, 1956, as an NBC affiliate, but signed on with the up-and-coming ABC network in 1962, and became an affiliate of the CBS Television Network. WRAL partnered with CBS for 30 years, but on February 29, 2016, history came full circle and TV5 once again affiliated with the NBC television network.


被暱稱為 DG  D.G. Lampaulus 於近期迅速崛起,成為最受矚目的藝術家之一。 DG 的畫作色彩豐富,充滿驚喜與歡樂,提供精神療癒,並對希望以及人類和宇宙的相關性有深刻的理解。

D.G. Lampaulus as known as DG rapidly emerged to become one of the shining artists. DG’s paintings are colorful, full of surprises, joyful, provides spiritual healing and harness deep understandings on hopes and man’s relevance to the universe.


無限 / Trinity-Infinity


出身於跨國聯姻的家庭,DG 擁有獨特的感知力,並培養他不同的思考方式。DG 喜歡用他的畫作來描述和剖析事件與理論,以及傳播哲學思想。他獨特的繪畫風格引發觀者聯想,並反映他們的童年和生活現狀。這種在觀眾心中的情感印記,使得許多追隨者崇拜他的藝術。

Raised by a multinational family, DG possesses unique sense of perception and nurtured him to think differently. DG likes to use his paintings to describe and dissect incidence, theories, and spread philosophical ideas. His unique style of painting triggers the viewers to relate and reflect their childhood and current of life. This emotional imprint to viewers’ minds lead to many followers and idolizes his art.


DG 的作品充滿活力,同時對生活有著深刻的意義。他用五顏六色的人物來表達對思想的詮釋。他奇特而又有所節制的風格引起了極大的關注,其中包括負責策展他藝術作品的糊塗里國際藝廊。就在藝廊接受委託他接下來的3個系列作品之後不久,其中一個系列作品就以 36 萬美元的價格被標下。 DG 是一位真正罕見且才華橫溢的藝術家,具有無與倫比的獨特性和大師典範。

DG’s work is vibrant at the same time bounded deep meanings to life. He uses colorful characters to represent his interpretation to ideas. The outlandish yet controlled style caught great attention, including International Gallery Group – Dotard Village which represented and curated his art. One of the pieces was also picked up for USD360K and soon after the gallery commissioned his next 3 series of work. DG is truly a rare and talented artist with unparalleled uniqueness, a master and legacy in the making.


路西法的革命 / Lucifer’s Revolution


2021 年秋季,DG 邀請所有人參考以下時間表參與這場情感藝術之旅。

10  23 日至 10  31 日──新城堡比司吉工廠藝廊

11  6  日至 11  14 日──愛丁堡黑常春藤酒店

11  27 日至 12  12 日──曼徹斯特老特拉福德博物館

12  18 日至 12  30 日──倫敦精粹俱樂部


This fall 2021, DG invites all to participate in this emotional art journey on the following schedule.

Oct 23rd – Oct 31st #Newcastle Biscuit Factory Art Gallery

Nov 6th – Nov 14th #Edinburgh Black Ivy Hotel

Nov 27th – Dec 12th #Manchester Old Trafford

Dec 18th – Dec 30th #London Quintessentially


晝與夜 / Day and night


DG 將展示他最新的系列畫作,以川里堤與路西法的對峙為主軸,就善與惡、天使與魔鬼的觀點進行辯論。繪畫就像一台時光機器,將觀者帶回到過去,思辨當時的看法。過去被認為是正確的,現在看來可能並不正確,DG 給觀眾留下許多思考空間。

DG will showcase his latest series of paintings which features Trinity versus Lucifer to debate between perceptions of good and evil, angels versus demon. Painting’s pseudo time machine, bringing the viewers back in time to debate past perceptions. What’s deemed right in the past may not seem right now, DG leaving the viewers a lot to ponder.



With covid spinning the world out of control, DG is also trying to spread life and hope through his works, as to be your comfort.



DG will be exhibiting during this period in UK and it’s a great exhibition not to be missed.


天使頌 / Song of Evangelists


相關資訊 / Related information

介紹影片 / Introduction clip


相關連結 / Links:

官方網站 / Website

臉書 / FB

藝廊資訊 / Gallery information


聯絡資訊 / Media Contact:

公司名稱 / Company Name:糊塗里 Dotard Village

聯絡人 / Contact Person:楊安康 / Yang An Kang

Email: Send Email

連絡電話 / Phone+886 938336234

地點 / Country:台灣 / Taiwan

官方網站 / Websitehttps://dotardvillage.com